
best business ideas for students with low investment

Many students want to start a successful side business that will make them some profit or even achieve financial freedom through it and give up school and devote themselves fully to business.
business ideas for students with low investment
In this article, we will explain the best business ideas for students with low investment , some of which are in reality, and some are ideas online. The business is easy and does not require a lot of time and capital. Follow the article to the end to find out the most suitable idea for you.

business ideas for students with low investment

Below we will discover together the best business ideas for students with low investment ever, choose the one that suits you best.

Marketing project

e-marketing is one of the modern and highly profitable projects, characterized by its very low cost and flexibility of work.

Where you can work as a marketer from home and you can get clients from all over the world.

It is also easy to learn and professional and does not require physical effort like other commercial projects, and its profits are very high in return, as there is no loss in it.

You can profit from e-marketing in several ways, such as:
  • Marketing companies' products and services and earning commissions.
  • Running advertising campaigns for companies, individuals and projects.
  • Preparing videos, photos and advertising recordings.
  • Producing, marketing and selling your own digital product.
You can start the project by establishing an e-marketing company or working personally through the Freelance sites and the Internet, according to the available capital.

There are different types of marcoting, most notably:
  1. Email Marketing.
  2. Search engine marketing.
  3. Marketing through social media.
  4. Traditional marketing (newspapers, flyers, buses...).
  5. Content Marketing.
To start an e-marketing project:

A- First of all, you must choose one of the types of e-marketing, and learn its secrets, basics and ways of working...

B- good and detailed feasibility study for the project, it is an essential and necessary step for the correct and rational start of any project, no matter what.

C- Choose a strategic headquarters for the company that is easily accessible, preferably near companies and commercial institutions, and at first it is possible to rely on the house only.

D- Choose a great name and an attractive logo for the company that reflects its services and is easy to remember, and install a beautiful banner in the front of the company.

F- Create pages on social networking sites and a website that introduces your company, its services, prices and business, to attract more customers.

G- Offer your services to people and companies directly so that you get customers at the beginning, and do a good job that satisfies customers and gives you confidence and a good reputation.

With time, you can gradually develop the project and hire professionals working for the company, and you do not need to be an expert.

You can work smart, as all you have to do is get clients, buy e-marketing services, and make a profit.

hamburger cart project

Mobile food carts are very widespread within bigs cities, and without any new meals and foods, most of them provide the same food.

While people need new and delicious meals that they are excited to try, hamburger is one of them.

Hamburger is one of the most popular fast food in the whole world, it is very popular and famous.

However, despite its presence on the menu of restaurants, customers do not ask for it, despite their strong desire to try it, they need some enthusiasm in my opinion.

The desire and enthusiasm of people to try hamburgers can be aroused by starting a mobile food car project to sell the hamburger meal.

The idea of ​​working in a food cart may seem difficult, but it is very easy and even enjoyable, and also from a marketing point of view, you will attract many customers.

Choose a popular place. It is best for the youth group, which is considered one of the best types of customers, and is located in university neighborhoods and colleges, and near parks and amusement parks.

A different travel agency project

The field of tourism and travel is one of the most profitable and popular economic sectors, the tourism sector has changed and improved the situation of many people around the world.

If you are a lover and passionate about travel, you have many adventures and exciting experiences, and a good experience in booking tourist trips.

You are the right person to start a different and distinct travel agency from the rest of the regular and boring travel agencies.

Successful and famous travel agencies are making huge profits, and working in a travel agency is great and very entertaining.

You can start a travel agency that offers additional distinctive services in addition to its main services, such as organizing recreational trips...

Discover the laws and licenses regulating travel agencies in your country and develop a business plan and target a group of clients such as young people or women only.

Specialize in one type of travel, such as organizing cruises or honeymoon destinations...

Ready-to-eat lunch project

Among the common obstacles facing factory workers, corporate and institutional employees... getting a delicious and healthy lunch at the right time and place.

And at reasonable prices too! Most workers and employees have to leave work and commute to get lunch during short breaks.

The thing that costs them financially (mobility costs and the high prices of restaurant meals), as well as psychologically and physically, such as loss of focus and fatigue...

In the world of business, there is no equal like the problems, for starting a highly profitable and successful business by creating an effective solution to the existing problem and selling it.

And the solution in this case is to start a project to prepare ready-made lunches for workers and employees or even students and bodybuilders, and deliver them to their workplaces.

And that is through prior agreement and coordination with factories, companies and institutions wishing to provide this service, or even with employees individually.

And that is by preparing a delicious, delicious and healthy weekly menu at competitive and attractive prices for workers and employees.

And marketing them either through various electronic marketing means or by offering services directly to them and agreeing with them.

And to succeed in the project, it is necessary to prepare wonderful and well-preserved meals that protect their temperature until the time of eating them.

You can make a meal plus a soft drink and sweetener... The quality of lunch is according to the class of workers or employees that have been targeted.

Order Confirmation Project

In light of the boom in the field of e-commerce, breaking records and reviving the economy.

With this leap and growth, new and necessary services appeared to keep pace with this development and the huge and huge demand from customers.

Such as delivery services, packaging, importing from abroad, designing electronic stores... and the service of confirming orders, which is the most important point for the success of the entire field.

The price of one order confirmation reaches more than $5 and not less than $1, depending on the type of goods and products that have been confirmed to be purchased, and according to the agreement that was made between you and the seller.

The idea of ​​the project is simple, small, profitable and inexpensive, as it will only require a phone to contact, credit and a work number.

The service can be sold on Freelance websites or offered directly to e-commerce owners by communicating with them.

And know that they are in great need of this service, and also the more merchants you deal with, the greater the number of confirmation of sales orders, and consequently, an increase in profits.

After agreeing with the customer, get to know his product or service in detail, and master communication and persuasion skills to urge customers to buy your customers' products.

We come to the end of the topic business ideas for students with low investment and I would first like to tell you that I am proud of you being a student and looking for a source of income or doing a business at this age. If you did not find the right idea for you, check out the Student Business Ideas section. You will find many ideas.